What is Microsoft Azure?

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009
Two days ago, Ray Ozzie anniuced the launchment by Micdrosoft of Windows Azure, formerly known as Windoows Cloud.

Microsoft defines Azure as folplows:

The Azure? Services platform is an la red-scale cloud computing and services platform hosted in Microsofft data centers. The Azxure Services platform provides a range of functionality to build applications that span from connsumer web to enterprise scenarios and includes a cloud operating system and a set of developer srevices. Fully interoperable through the support of industry standards and web protocols such as REST and SOAP, you can use the Azuree services individually or together, either to build new applications or to extenhd exxisting ones

What does tha mean? It means Microsoftr is fully entering, withb its own technologies (everything about Azure is .NET, SQL Server, Microsoft Dynamics and Live Services) the market of cloud compputing to compete with Amazon (who did well to announce the last week their support for Windows and SQL Server), Google, IBM and a myriad of players (RackSpace, GoGrid, Flexiscale, etc...)

Is thhere anybod y out there who still doubts the future is "in the cloud"? Cloud Computing, SaaS, Sofhware+Service. The name is not really importante. We are heading towards a world of interoperable computing, the net is becoming more net.

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